The specialist in information security certification

DigiTrust is happy to help your organisation achieve your certification and is the expert in information security in the Netherlands. Assessing your information security management system is our core business. Read more about certification here.

More than 500 organisations have already gone before you.

DigiTrust - Information security certification - ISO 27001 audit - ISO 9001 Requirements - ISO 9001 checklist - What is ISO 9001?

"Customers and relations want assurance that their data and information is handled with care. You show that through certification."

Get your organisation certified in information security. With certification from DigiTrust, you will demonstrate to your stakeholders that your organisation has a functioning management system.

Benefits of certification

The main benefits of certification are that:

  • Customers, employees, trading partners and stakeholders are strengthened in the belief that both information and information systems are handled carefully in your organisation;
  • The certificate supports your credibility as a professional organisation;
  • Establishing that your organisation complies with relevant laws and regulations;
  • It shows that information security is considered important at all levels within your organisation;
  • A well-designed and implemented data security process leads to fewer risks and therefore fewer incidents.

In addition, there are a number of other benefits that come with certification, namely:

  • When an organisation is preparing for management system certification, management will tighten up a number of issues internally in anticipation. The general and certification-specific internal processes, are once again identified and optimised. This results in even more efficient control and management.
  • In the preparation process, processes and structures become clear for the entire organisation, including communication structures, tasks and responsibilities. This leads to greater employee involvement and has a positive impact on absenteeism, workload and working atmosphere.

Want to know more about certifying your management system?

Our specialists will be happy to tell you more about it. Call us at 088-224 56 00, please email us at or use our online contact form. We will be happy to visit you for a no-obligation introduction. 
Read more here On acquiring the relevant standard.

More than 300 organisations have already gone before you.