
DigiTrust is happy to help your organisation achieve your desired certification and is the expert on information security in the Netherlands. Assessing your information security management system is our core business. We have our own team of auditors, who look closely at the context of your organisation.

More than 300 organisations have already gone before you.

DigiTrust - Information security certification - ISO 27001 audit - ISO 9001 Requirements - ISO 9001 checklist - What is ISO 9001?

"A pre-audit before the certification process avoids unnecessary costs."

Ready for ISO 27001 certification?

Not sure if your organisation is ready for ISO 27001 certification? No problem! With a pre-audit, we offer the possibility to quickly gain insight into your organisation's state of affairs with regard to ISO 27001 through a short, and therefore very affordable, assessment. In this way, unnecessary wasted costs and time can be avoided.

The pre-audit is usually conducted in one day at your premises. Using a checklist, an experienced auditor, who is also an implementation specialist, will go through the various steps and required elements with you and give you a professional opinion on the state of ISO 27001 within your organisation.

After conducting a pre-audit, it is clear to what extent your organisation meets the general certification requirements for ISO 27001 before the start of the certification process. The results of this optional pre-audit form the basis for any follow-up process for improvement or development. It gives you insight into what still needs to be done to comply with the standard. If you appreciate it, a realistic planning for the official certification process can be drawn up together as a follow-up step.

Information or appointment

Want more information or to make an appointment for a pre-audit prior to the ISO 27001 certification process? Get in touch with DigiTrust's specialists: call 088-2245600 or mail

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Questions about ISO 27001 or curious about certification options?

Our specialists will be happy to tell you more about it. Call us at 088-224 56 00, please email us at or use our online contact form. We will be happy to visit you for a no-obligation introduction.

More than 300 organisations have already gone before you.