ISO 9001 Certification

Do you want to obtain ISO 9001 certification or are you curious as to why other organisations choose it? ISO 9001 is the globally accepted standard for quality management. With certification, you demonstrate easily and independently that you have a well-functioning quality management system. Often very important for your customers and for tenders.

More than 500 organisations have already gone before you.

Certification process - DigiTrust - ISO 27001 Certification - NEN 7510 Certification - ISO 9001 certification - ISO 14001 Certification

The standards explained

Achieve ISO 9001 certification?

Do you have ambitions to obtain ISO 9001 certification? DigiTrust can audit and certify your organisation and provide it with a beautiful ISO 9001 certificate. For ISO9001, DigiTrust is the specialist for the ICT sector and business services. Naturally, we always combine these audits with information security audits. After all, that is our core business. DigiTrust performs ISO 9001 audits and certifications under accreditation for the ICT sector and business services.

DigiTrust is accredited with the Dutch Accreditation Council (RvA) for ISO 9001 Certification.

The sectors we are allowed to audit and certify under accreditation is IT (sector 33) and business services (sector 35)

Having your Quality Management System certified is a wise choice. After all, it allows you to demonstrate the quality of your organisation to all stakeholders.

ISO9001 has this same structure and structure as ISO27001 and NEN7510. The standard therefore has the same High Level Structure (HLS)

Tip; if you combine ISO 900 certification with ISO27001 and/or NEN7510 certification, you will save a lot of time and costs. We then speak of a so-called GMS system (Joint Management System)

ISO 9001 has a dull image from the past. Many useless manuals and procedures. Fortunately, since 2015, that has changed and this standard is also risk-based and therefore relevant. To comply with the ISO9001 standard, a "quality management system must be set up. This is not software but a way of working. Within the standard, this is also referred to as the PDCA approach. Make a good Plan (the preparation), start executing your plan (Do), Check whether you achieve your goals (Control) and if not, make adjustments (Act).

The steps explained

ISO 9001 certification roadmap

Do you want to prepare the organisation for an ISO 9001 audit, for example using a checklist? Keep in mind that there are different types of audits. A opinion audit is, for example, a value judgment by the auditor, combined with advice. A certification audit lacks the advice, so this is structured differently.

DigiTrust can assess your via a pre-audit (this is also called a quick-scan or baseline measurement) where you are now with your quality management system. We go through the yellow system and deliver a detailed audit report. This shows you the strengths and areas for improvement. This can be used in preparation for the official certification audit. The cost of a pre-audit depends on the size and context of your organisation.

Initial certification

DigiTrust tests whether the system works and functions according to the requirements from ISO 9001. This assessment also includes the evaluation of all operations at your office as well as at the implementation site. The initial certification consists of 2 parts. The phase 1 and phase 2 audit.

During the phase 1 audit, we take an outline look at your management system (ISMS) and whether you are really ready for the phase 2 audit. We will also create the audit plan together for the phase 2. Who do we need when.

During the phase 2 audit, we test the ISMS and all management measures.

Phase 1

During the ISO 9001 certification phase 1 audit, we take an outline look at your management system (ISMS) and whether you are really ready for the phase 2 audit. We also go through the audit plan together for the phase 2. Who do we need when.

Phase 2

During the phase 2 audit, we test the ISMS and all management measures.

Issue certificate

In case of a positive assessment, the auditor will nominate the organisation for certification. The certification manager will do a quality check on the file. If everything is in order, you will receive the ISO 9001 certification.

Control 1

During the term of the certificate, which is usually three years, DigiTrust will conduct an annual surveillance audit. During a surveillance audit, we take a sample on the various standard elements. In case of a positive assessment, the current certificate will be continued.

Control 2

DigiTrust will visit about three months before the certificate expires for the reassessment. This assessment is of the same scope as the one at step 2 and should ensure that if the result is positive, the certificate is renewed for another three years.

What is the investment for ISO 9001 certification?

To arrive at an offer for ISO 900 certification, we need to have a good picture of your organisation. To this end, you will receive a simple intake form from us. In this form, you can enter your details and the context of your organisation. What exactly do you do, what processes do you have, how many FTE work in your organisation.

This is the start of the formal DigiTrust process; we want to know very well who you are and what you do. After all, your organisation is leading, not the standard.

With the information received, we will make a calculation. The beginning of the calculation always starts with the number of FTEs; this is determined by the standard we have to comply with. With all the information received, DigiTrust will issue a quotation.

Tip; always take a sharp look at the number of FTEs and list the job groups and functions. This can just save a lot of time and certification costs. Read more here On acquiring the relevant standard. 

Questions about a ISO 9001 Certification or curious about the possibilities?

Our specialists will be happy to tell you more about it. Call us at 088-224 56 00, please email us at or use our online contact form. We will be happy to visit you for a no-obligation introduction.

More than 300 organisations have already gone before you.