DevRepublic experience on the certification process


DevRepublic is an IT service provider that offers software on development capacity. They do this twofold. On the one hand for companies in need of IT developers to strengthen the team. On the other hand, project-based for companies that have a desire for an app or internal application. The development capacity is filled by their own development centre in India.

Together with business developer and now security and quality manager Colin Robaard, we look back on achieving the ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 certifications and the entire certification process.

What prompted you to obtain certification?

"Trust is very important. Especially as a Dutch company working with a development team in India. Then that should be pleasant, comfortable and confidential. I think, think and see that one of the ways to demonstrate that we are a confidential company is to show that we are a certified company. We also see directly and indirectly that data and information security is very important. We also have a number of multinationals as clients. They just barely ask us to show a certificate, but we did get audits from them where all those components were in. We want to avoid losing or missing out on customers because we don't have certification."

Why did you choose DigiTrust?

"We naturally looked around and came across several providers there. You immediately notice with some parties that they are very large organisations. You notice that from the contact. With DigiTrust, I had the feeling that it fits us better as a type of company. Very short lines, quick feedback and quite down-to-earth. You just noticed that."

How was the certification process experienced?

"Good. For the most part, we have been busy with implementation. The audit afterwards is a relatively small part. We experienced the whole process as good. Of course, it does take a lot of time and you have to be serious about it. But we really did change internal processes as a result of this process. We also adapted and changed the things we encountered. That goes from the lock on the door to the back-up plan. Through this whole process, a lot of things really did change internally."

What did you look up to and what was not so bad?

"It was all new to us and no one had experience with it in this way. Really the whole process from A to Z was new. When you start with a risk assessment at the initial stage you do sit and sweat for a while and think is this right and is this what is meant. Our implementation partner did throw us in at the deep end for a while, but on the other hand, he also said, the way you are approaching it and want to approach it, you certainly don't need to worry. It will really work out. The audit was also a bit tense beforehand. Afterwards, it wasn't too bad.

Last minute during the phase 2 audit, we received a call in the morning from the auditor who was supposed to come and who said I am sick so it is not going to happen. We were all a bit pissed off at the time. But eventually, after half an hour, we were called by another auditor from DigiTrust who said I'm going to do your audit. So it's just going ahead. That was very nice. That also shows how DigiTrust is in the game. They could have rescheduled it, of course."

Did anything go differently than expected?

"It didn't turn out differently than expected. We did say we wanted to be certified in Q2. We just missed out on that. In the end, we are very happy that we managed it in early Q3. It's a serious bucket of work. Also in terms of hours. You shouldn't underestimate it, but we didn't. In the end, we also said if we do it, we do it well. We felt it was important to take up the gauntlet in full. The auditor was fairly strict, but that is also part of the job. We eventually achieved it with 0 deviation and we are mega proud of that. "

Would you recommend DigiTrust to others?

"Yes definitely. Our experience has just been very pleasant in the contact. No matter who we spoke to. There was always an immediate or very quick response and good follow-up. They are also reliable and quick which is very nice. In terms of content too, they pointed out some things to us along the way. The knowledge, reliability and speed in which they work is very pleasant. So I would definitely recommend them yes."

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