Cybersecurity measures guide


The NCSC publishes a guide containing tips on how to get to a digitally secure organisation step by step.

Every year, many cybersecurity incidents take place at organisations worldwide. These attacks use ransomware or phishing, for example. The Cybersecurity Assessment Netherlands (CSBN) describes and identifies a number of incidents that have a relationship to the Netherlands.

The CSBN 2021 concludes that incidents show that resilience is inadequate and basic measures are often lacking. In this guide, you will find measures that every organisation should take that will help counter cyber attacks like the CSBN describes. Check whether your cybersecurity policy includes these measures. And use this guide as a starting point for discussions with your suppliers about their digital security.

Chapter 1 describes the context in which you apply these measures: how is responsibility for cybersecurity invested in an organisation? Chapter 2 explains how these measures support regular risk management, but do not replace it. Chapter 3 lists the eight measures every organisation should take for a digitally secure organisation. If you have applied the measures and want to go further, Chapter 4 provides you with starting points for doing so. Source NCSC

Download the guideline here <link>


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