Launching Cyber Fundamentals


Cyber Fundamentals was launched in the Netherlands today. An initiative specifically for ZZP and SMEs to demonstrably do something about digital security.
Many times we see that small organisations know they need to do something, but don't know what. I like to call it 'the elephant in the room'
Cyber Fundamentals chops up the process so that it is understandable and achievable for every entrepreneur. Step by step better and even towards a possible ISO27001 certification.
Through a self-declaration or review by DigiTrust, this is a unique way to demonstrate to your customers, which level your organisation has achieved.
Tip; also very useful for getting your suppliers to take steps. Let Cyber Fundamentals make them accountable for where they are in the process.

We support and embrace this initiative (which is already very successful in the UK) out of our DigiTrust ambition to create a secure digital world. Read more in this press release.


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