What is a management system?


DigiTrust is happy to help your organisation achieve your ISO certification. Assessing and certifying your management system is our core business. But what exactly is a management system?

What is a management system?

A management system is a coherent framework consisting of policies, procedures and operational agreements. You need to 'formally' establish these and, of course, implement them. Then you will periodically evaluate whether things are going as you had planned and whether you are achieving the results you wanted. Should this not be the case, you need to look closely at the cause and then take corrective action. This will help you bring structure to the organisation and make your organisation work less ad hoc but according to a pre-conceived structure.

Why is a good business management system important?

Do you want to qualify for ISO certification, for example? Then you must first have a working business management system that meets all the requirements of the relevant ISO standard. You can set up a management system all by yourself or let a consultancy firm guide you. Do you believe your management system meets the standard? Then you can have it assessed by us. If everything is in order, we will issue the relevant certification to you.

Setting up a management system

When building a management system, the well-known Plan Do Check ACT (PDCA) method is central to ensuring quality and taking the organisation to the next level.

  1. Plan

The first step is to draw up a plan outlining policies and procedures to achieve goals.

  1. Do

This phase involves the implementation and realisation of the plan. Its implementation is also continuously recorded and assessed.

  1. Check

In the check phase, we look at which goals were achieved and which goals were set in the plan phase. The differences in these are identified and evaluated.

  1. Act

After the evaluation, adjustments are made if necessary. In addition, measures are taken to still achieve the planned objectives.

Management system focus per standard

Quality management system (KMS)

To comply with the ISO 9001 standard, you need to set up a quality management system. This focuses on controlling and improving products, services and customer satisfaction.

Information Security Management System (ISMS)

By the standards ISO 27001 and NEN 7510 are central to information security. This refers to the set of measures, processes and procedures to minimise a data breach or unwanted access to important information such as personal data, intellectual property, business-sensitive information or customer and relationship information.

Privacy Information Management System (PIMS)

To demonstrate that you handle personal data properly and carefully, the ISO 27701 standard has been developed.

Questions about a management system or having your management system tested?

Do you have questions about a working management system or do you think your business management system meets the standard? If so, you can let us test it for you. Our specialists will be happy to assist you. Call us on 088-224 56 00, send us an e-mail to sales@digitrust.nl or use our online contact form. We will be happy to visit you for an informal meeting.

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